日本財団 図書館


By sharp contrast, NGOs have not won any official status in political areas such as peace, disarmament, and security. In each of the three disarmament conferences held between 1978 and 1988, NOG conferences were set up, but the basic thinking is that these issues are political problems involving highly classified national information. However, in order to prevent and solve conflicts, the wisdom and experience of the NGOs are vital. Thus, the role of NGOs should he expanded in the future.
The other task faced by NGOs is to remedy the lack of any effective network for information exchange. It is necessary for NGOs to he able to access each other's systems.
The Internet is rapidly developing as a communication mode and should he used to exchange information and expert knowledge obtained in the field, or even anecdotes of mistakes made. Such cooperative relations will undoubtedly serve to advance the activities of the NGO.


After the keynote speech by Professor Yoshida on the United Nations and NGOs, the following views were expressed regarding the role NGOs should play in future, the procurement of funds necessary for activities, and the establishment of networks among NGOs.
Osaka Junior Chamber (Japan)
"As the philosophy of its activities for this year, the Osaka Junior Chamber has adopted the spirit of love- love of people, love of community, and love of earth. With this philosophy at heart, we are engaged in regional development and international cooperation. We think it is very meaningful and wonderful that we can discuss the creation of a new world system here today, among NGOs of the world, community workers who are endeavoring to create a richer world, and young people, who are builders of the future."
Dayemi Complex Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
"The accurate relaying of UN information to each region and the building of NGO networks will be the driving force of NGO activities in each region."
National Institute for Research Advancement (Japan)
"In civil war situations, where national governments face difficulty in intervening, how should the NGO and the individual become involved? Activities are needed that help the people of the warring region to develop the ability to resolve the conflict themselves. The activities of NGOs and those at the individual global citizen level are important; we also





